Liturgy & Worship
Altar Servers
The Altar Server serves the Lord while assisting the priest at Mass. Servers must be members of St. Bernardine’s, have received their First Holy Communion, and be 8 years old and/or in the third grade or older. Persons interested in being a server must be committed. Young men and young ladies are both welcome in this ministry. For more information and training, contact Adrian Keel, (410)294-2066, .
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild participates in the housekeeping duties of the Church, keeping the church and sanctuary clean and presentable. The Altar Guild meets every Friday morning to clean the Church. The only skill needed is to be willing to work for Jesus. The person to contact is Jean Henson, 410-807-2094.
Lectors “proclaim” the Word of God to the Church community. They must have strong, articulate voices, a willingness to serve, and a spirit to want to proclaim God’s Word to His people. Proclaiming the Word of God is a powerful, prayerful experience that a lector shares with the Church community. If your spirit is leading you to deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ, please contact Sharon Winchester 410-566-5457 or Email:
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Eucharist (Holy Communion) at all Masses. Upon request, they visit the sick and homebound of our Parish and bring Communion. Reverence for the Eucharist is very important for this ministry. You must be a faithful member of St. Bernardine’s and have a desire to serve. Training will be provided. After training, individuals will be commissioned before the assembly, placed on the liturgy schedule, and asked to serve on a rotating basis. The contact person is Ivalyn "Tee" Jones-Actie, 410-566-1151.
The Ushers assist with weekend and Holy Day Masses, as well as funerals. They greet and assist congregants to their seats and assure that the church is in prayerful order before and after each Mass. They collect the offering and stand ready for emergencies. Ushers also select parishioners to present the gifts of bread and wine for the Mass. You must be dedicated and punctual if interested. Training will be provided. The contact person is Lorrie Winder, 443-929-7719 or email
The Audio Technician assures clarity of sound during the Church services and records services for the church’s archives and for distribution. Experience with audio equipment, or the willingness to learn is the only skill needed. The contact person is David Wainwright, 410-913-3080.
The Stream Team manages the church’s live-stream capabilities and ensures the posting of church services and events on YouTube and Facebook. The contact person is Valerie Anderson, 410-499-6205.
Information Technology Ministry (it ministry)
The St. Bernardine Information Technology Ministry is the center of IT solutions for the church by providing system management, system administration, technical support and training for the advancement of the commission found in Matthew 28:19-20. The goal of IT Ministry is to ensure these services are provided in an effective, efficient and timely manner to allow St. Bernardine Catholic Church to evangelize and spread the gospel of Jesus to our members and staff and to allow evangelization through technology, throughout the electronic world. The IT Ministry will help supply information technology solutions and training for St. Bernardine members, ministries, on-site staff. To do this, we will work to form partnerships with all groups and ministries throughout the Church. Our ministry meets once a month or as needed through conference call and online meetings along with holding quarterly face-to-face meetings.
Art & Environment
This ministry is responsible for the design and development of different decorations to enhance our celebration throughout the liturgical year. The ministry assists during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter and lends liturgical expertise throughout the year. The ministry provides tasteful, creative ideas, reflecting the ethnic diversity of our community, as well as the reflection of our Catholic worship. Contact person is Trena Carter, 410-869-9779
Director of Music Ministry
The Director of Music Ministry reports directly to the Pastor and oversees the music ministry’s paid and volunteer personnel. The Director of Music is responsible for the ministry areas of administration, worship, education, and pastoral services.
Church Choir
The Church Choir participates in the ministry of music at the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Interested persons must be able to carry a “tune” and attend weekly rehearsals on Thursday evenings. They must have the love of Jesus in their hearts, and the desire to share Jesus in song. The contact persons are Tony Small (Director), 667-261-2511, and James Butler, 410-488-6751.
The Cantor Ministry provides the music at the 4:00 p.m. Saturday and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Masses. Anyone interested must be congenial and love to sing God’s praises. Rehearsals are arranged with the musician. The contact person is Tony Small, 667-261-2511.
Our Youth & Young Adult Choir performs at various Sunday Masses, as well as our annual Youth & Young Adult Day in June. Rehearsals are held on Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Youth Choir members must be in the sixth grade through high school. Young Adult Choir members must be beyond high school age. Contact Erickca Wilson, 410-258-6855, or Tony Small, 667-261-2511 for more information.
The "Drum"
The “Drum” is the Announcements Ministry at Mass. Members ensure that everyone is aware of the events and activities taking place at our church and around the community. The only qualifications are creative communication abilities and enjoying speaking in front of a crowd. Men, youth, and women are welcome. The contact person is Denise Stanley, 410-362-8664 x116,
Liturgical Dancers
The Liturgical Dance Ministry enhances the spiritual faith of our community by celebrating the gift of prayer through movement, by responding with an appropriate dance which flows out of the music. Dancers range in age, and dance experience is helpful but not necessary. Rehearsals are the third Sunday of the month after the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, in the church. Contact person is Valerie Anderson,